Essential piano care tips

When we buy a piano we have to take into account several factors. Many of our clients want to place the pianos in places that are not recommended. In this post, we are going to give some recommendations so that we have a clearer idea of ​​how we should take care of our piano. You should always keep these piano care tips in mind and they will last you a lifetime. It is a delicate instrument that, in addition to being heavy and durable, has handcrafted finishes and technology that must attend to special care so that we do not have problems in the future.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and humidity are always going to be a factor for the piano to function and sound correctly. The first symptoms of humidity and an inadequate temperature are that the keys remain stained. When the keys get stuck it is easy to solve, but the problem is coming from humidity and a temperature that will affect the very delicate wood and felt that make up the instrument. The suitable humidity for the instrument is 50 -60 percent.

Some issue to avoid humidity is that the windows of the room are closed well on rainy days. Protect it with the lid closed and a felt keyboard cover cloth. It is important to remove the cloth on sunny days because the cloth collects moisture and must be dried well.

Another issue, for the subject of humidity, is that it is not in a room that has a ceiling nearby, or that there are pipes on the wall where the piano is. The soundboard absorbs moisture and it is very bad, reaching the point that it can crack.

You have to be especially careful in sea sites or in places with constant rain. Special care must also be taken in mountain sites, with humid areas in the valleys and with constant water. It is also important to be careful in new construction buildings. The first two years are very unstable. In orientations to the north, and rooms with a lot of darkness.


Basic piano care tips

The instrument needs ventilation, which is why always try to place it in the center of the room or on an interior wall, that is, a wall that adjoins another room. You always have to avoid the walls that give to exteriors. As well as avoiding putting the piano next to a window. It is not good for it to have direct sunlight, humidity, or sudden changes in temperature. In case there is no remedy and you have to put the piano near a window, protect it with a good curtain, of medium thickness.

Dryness, Important in Piano Care

If we have the piano in an excessively dry place, it is most likely that when the woods contract, they will crack. For this reason, avoid placing the piano near fireplaces or radiators. In case you have a very dry room, you should have some plants that provide some humidity or a humidifier. These piano care tips are very important.

Sudden Changes in Temperature

When you go from a cold room to a hot room, the piano quickly suffers, the humidity condenses and which is bad for the strings and for the harp. You have to be careful when moving a piano from one room to another with a sudden change because humidity and dryness can do some serious damage to the instrument.

Some Recommendations

Nothing should be placed on top of the piano. Sometimes water spills from vases or portals of Bethlehem and causes costly damage. Heavy objects and things that should not be placed on top of a piano have been seen. I only advise you to put a book and the pyramid metronome, in this way there will never be problems.

Never hit the piano with insecticide, or with products that contain alcohol, when cleaning them. No products that contain any vinyl, or products that have petroleum. To clean the piano a cloth and if it is very dirty you can give it with special liquids for furniture.

Dust is something that little by little spoils the piano a lot. Wipe with a dry cloth or duster and always keep the dust out of contact with the instrument.

The keys are always clean. With a dry cloth, no alcohol could crack or remove another color from the keys. It can be done with a damp cloth in a natural soap solution, do this if it is very dirty. And you know, not playing the piano with dirty hands. Take these piano care tips very seriously.

Tuning and adjustments. Other piano care tips

The piano has to be tuned eventually, this means once a year, recommended in the month of October in Andalusia, or in the month of May, which is when there are the most abrupt changes. The strings support a tension of about 90 kilos and over time they go out of tune. To tune a piano, contact us and we will adjust to a good price. This is why, from time to time, you have to give it an adjustment and leave it well-tuned at 440Hz or 442Hz, depending on the piano.

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