Celebrate composer's Day

Taking advantage of the fact that our country celebrates Composer’s Day on January 15, we consider it a good idea to draw attention to this important artistic figure that has offered so many talented names to the world from our nation.

January 15, Composer’s Day

Recognizing the work of composers is talking about illustrious and talented people such as Roberto Cantoral, Agustín Lara, Juan Gabriel, Marco Antonio Solís, Armando Manzanero, Consuelo Velázquez or José Alfredo Jiménez, among many others.

We have dedicated this day, January 15, to them since 1965, when the  Society of Authors and Composers formally established this day in honor of a marvelous and talented figure such as the composer.

How To Be A Songwriter

January 15, Composer's Day

Do you think you have a talent for music and can you add your name to the list that we have provided here? If this is your case, check if you have the right profile for it.

In general, a musical composer has a series of specific abilities, for example:

  • Sense of rhythm.
  • Capacity for innovation.
  • Abstract reasoning.
  • Musical skills.

In addition, it demonstrates interests such as:

  • Love the music.
  • Knowledge of instrumentation and composition.
  • Knowledge of the history of music.

Where Does A Composer Work?

There are many jobs that demand the figure of the composer. For example, we can highlight professional opportunities such as:

  • I work in musical shows on my own or for someone else.
  • Composition of soundtracks.
  • Teaching in music schools.
  • Collaboration with audiovisual media.

Its function is usually, in addition to the composition itself, the orchestration, the musical arrangements, the supervision, the editing of scores, etc.

What To Study

What can you study to become a music composer? In our country, there is regulated and superior training, for example:

Degree in Instrumental Music: solid instrumental and artistic training is offered where theory, style, technique, and even social humanism are learned.

Jazz and Popular Music: training in popular music and in a style that gives the musician great freedom. Improvisation and composition are learned in various branches.

Music and Musicology: a very complete training that offers knowledge of both composition and the history of music from its beginnings to the present.

Music and Choir Director: a training focused on learning choral work and the professionalization of choral styles, genres, and formats.

The Most Demanded Professionals

What professionals are the most in-demand in the field of musical composition? Let’s look at some interesting profiles:

Composer musician: the composer performs his works, sells them, or transfers them by negotiating copyright.

Assignee musician: he is a studio musician who adapts to various work circumstances working in a team, with artists, in support of specific projects, etc.

Arranger: makes arrangements in pieces already composed to polish the work.

Producer: deals with everything that surrounds an artist or a music band.

Director or musician: even if you are a composer, you can also participate as a musician in bands or orchestras, or direct them.

Teaching: it is very necessary that good composers transmit their knowledge to the professionals of tomorrow.

Critic: who better to criticize a composition than an expert who knows this world firsthand?

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